The aim of paper is to estimate the electromagnetic (EM) field radiation on the
human body in the range of 4G operations. The analytical approach consists of
application of concept of the equivalent cylindrical monopole antenna presenting
grounded standing human. The analytical formulas, allowing to determine the EM field
exposure are derived. The experimental setup, consisting of the spectrum analyzer
USB-SA44B supplemented by the respective software, notebook for analysis of signals,
transmitting-receiving antenna array designed of four microstrip antennas, the
transmitting antenna operating in the frequencies 0.9 GHz, 1.8 GHz and 2.45 GHz, and
signal generator SA6 are used for the measurements. The designed setup demonstrates the
possibility to extract the spectral characteristics of radiation in the range of 4G
operations that will used subsequently for the comparison with the modeling data. It is
observed that the fixed strength of radiation depends on the sources of radiation. The
perspective of design is evaluation of the SAR at the laboratory environment.
Lviv Polytechnic National University
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