Strategic approach to management oh the development of ecological and innovative activities of enterprises


Odrekhivsky Mykola, ,Kohut Ulana,Zhyla D., ,


The unsatisfactory environmental situation in Ukraine and the world requires the search for new approaches to the management of enterprises aimed at minimizing the negative impact of industrial and economic activities on the environment. Under such conditions, an important task is the formation of appropriate strategies for managing the ecological and innovative activities of enterprises in order to ensure rational decisions regarding the environmental, social and economic sustainability and safety of both individual economic entities and the country as a whole. Ecologically oriented innovation strategies today combine the ideas of ecological innovations, which are the main factor in ensuring ecologically oriented innovative development of companies and, accordingly, sustainable development. Thus, improvement of strategic management of ecological and innovative activities of enterprises is relevant and necessary. An important task is also the use of elements of artificial intelligence in the implementation of the ecological and innovative activity of the enterprise as an open system in order to optimize the management of this activity, the formation of criteria and indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the system's functioning. The purpose of the article is to study the problems of eco-oriented management of innovative activity and develop proposals for improving the strategic management of eco-innovative activity of enterprises. In order to develop recommendations for improving the strategic management of ecologically innovative activity of enterprises, in accordance with the tasks that were set, the research examines the essence, purpose, main tasks, advantages and principles of eco-oriented management of innovative activities. Indicators characterizing the effectiveness of ecological innovation activity in Ukraine and the world, the degree of ecological innovation activity were analyzed. Approaches to the formation of ecologically oriented innovative strategies are considered. An organizational mechanism for the development of ecologically-oriented innovative strategies and an organizational structure of an intelligent management system for ecologically-oriented innovative enterprises have been developed. The design of an intelligent management system (IMS) of ecologically oriented enterprises (EOE) as a complex system is aimed at ensuring the greening of production and technological processes of economic entities, the greening of industries, regions, and the country in general. It is expedient to focus further research on improving the environmental friendliness of all business processes, actions and operations of EOE with the use of elements of artificial intelligence regarding the adoption of relevant management decisions.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


General Medicine

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