Digitization of managerial work of HR-manager


Svatiuk Oksana, ,Zaharets A.,Sytnyk Y., ,


The subject of the research is theoretical and methodological issues of digitalization of the process of work of an HR manager with personnel and justification of the possibility of investing in digitalization of the enterprise. The structure of private Austrian Investments LLC is described and the dynamics of its activity is analyzed. It is proved that the organizational level of the enterprise is a hierarchical structure of employees with a clear distinction between rights and obligations. This provides opportunities for professional and job development of personnel based on reasoned measurements of evaluating their work and individual characteristics. HR management covers the digitalization of the processes of planning, selection, training, evaluation, retraining and motivation of personnel. The authors conducted a study of the state of digitalization of the HR manager's work; analyzed the current state of information and digital provision of resources to the recruitment manager; developed recommendations for improving the digitalization of the HR manager’s work. Information support of the enterprise is characterized by an average level of digitalization. Theoretical and applied priorities for introducing new activity trends, namely aspects of digitalization of the HR manager’s work, are determined. The stages of the personnel strategy on digitalization issues and directions for implementing the chatbot project in the company’s Telegram channel are substantiated. The HR Manager fully ensures all processes of working with personnel, participates in solving managerial problems related to working with personnel at the enterprise. The HR strategy of digitalization in the enterprise is formed, organized and controlled by the HR manager in relation to personnel. The responsibilities of such a manager are: automated planning of HR processes and control of the number of employees; automation of HR functions for recruitment (recruitment and hiring), personnel career, rating using artificial intelligence in the enterprise management system; online training and staff adaptation; methods of integration of cloud services for the development and professional training of personnel, creation of coaching, corporate training system, certification; creating a database for the personnel Reserve; predictable people analytics on motivation and professional burnout, determining the effectiveness of staff work; introduction of augmented reality (VR) technology through talent acquisition and virtualization of corporate culture development through social networks. Practical significance lies in the development of directions and recommendations for improving the work of the HR manager on recruitment issues of the enterprise based on the personnel strategy of digitalization.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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