Management reporting of the enterprise” theoretical-methodological aspects and principles of formation


Lemishovska Olesia, ,Mykhaylovskyy V.,


The principles of formation and methodical basis of construction of management reporting, considered as an instrumental tool in the system of enterprise management functions, are considered. An analysis of the existing approaches to establishing the feasibility (economic justification) criteria for the practical implementation of the management reporting system at the enterprise, as well as their forms with the selection of the functional purpose of the reporting information flows, was carried out. The role and place of management reporting as an information toolkit in the modern enterprise management system is given. Problematic aspects in modern models of management reporting are given, which include: the introduction of an excessive amount of information into the system of management accounting and management reporting, which causes overloading of the information base and the use of overly complex methods and calculations; management reports are formed on the basis of software (accounting programs) in the absence of specialists in the preparation and maintenance of management reporting of the appropriate level of knowledge and skills in working with them. The recommendations of scientists on ways to improve approaches to the formation of management reporting based on the principles that are embedded in modern concepts of management and the publication of information about the functioning of the enterprise by various types of reporting are summarized. It is argued that the functional role and place of management reporting in the modern management system should be determined depending on the specifics and nature of the enterprise's activity. The conclusion is formulated that management reporting in the conditions of modern enterprise management can be articulated as one of the important tools for making balanced management decisions, considered as a separate component or subsystem (function) of enterprise management. The direction of further research in the field of management reporting is argued, which involves focusing attention on the selection of achievable modern tools (systems of tools) for their rational use in the formation of specific information and analytical reports for management systems of different hierarchical levels.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


General Medicine

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