Planning export activities in the conditions of entering new markets


,Malynovska YuliiaORCID,Dobrovolskyi SviatoslavORCID,


Today, the concept of raising business efficiency to a higher level is a critically important direction of development of the modern Ukrainian economy. Building a sustainable and competitive economy contributes to the creation of healthy competition between various market participants, which has a significant impact on the relationship between producers and consumers. This forces manufacturers to focus their attention on the development and modernization of their products. In the long term, it plays a key role for the country as a whole. Companies all over the world develop a business plan taking into account all possible risks and force majeure circumstances. This has long since become the so-called trend of business transformation in Ukraine to determine and use their full potential. Since there is a war going on in Ukraine now, businesses have to reckon with and struggle with the new realities that it puts before us in order to develop and work to strengthen Ukraine, for the sake of defeating the common enemy. Strong government support and assistance is also critical to successful business development in wartime. The authorities should create favorable conditions for enterprises, including a simplified bureaucratic process, support in export initiatives, as well as ensuring security and stability in the regions of our country. It is important to emphasize that in wartime Ukrainian companies must be ready for a wide variety of challenges and crisis situations. They must actively develop risk management strategies to ensure the sustainability of their business and protect the interests of consumers. In addition, it is important to focus on the development and application of new technologies and innovations that can contribute to increasing the productivity and competitiveness of enterprises and business planning as a whole. This includes the use of Internet resources and various software, artificial intelligence, data analysis and other modern tools to optimize production and business management or create a business plan. That is why business planning is now a very important aspect in such a difficult period, but at the same time it is an opportunity when Ukrainian companies can become international and enter new markets.


Lviv Polytechnic National University

Reference12 articles.

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