Analysis of modern tools of investment in renewable energy of Ukraine


,Oleksiv IhorORCID,Dribniuk AndriiORCID,


This article examines the investment tools within the renewable energy sector in Ukraine. As the world struggles with climate change, the transition to sustainable energy sources has become a global goal. Ukraine, in its pursuit of a greener and more environmentally responsible future, has seen the growth of its renewable energy sector. However, this growth has met challenges, demand-ing the development of strategic solutions. Companies operating in the renewable energy market are now increasingly aware of their social mission in contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals. The transformation of the energy landscape reveals the necessity of collabora-tion between various stakeholders, including governments, local authorities, banks, investment funds, and households, whose role is critical in financing renewable energy projects. As financial markets evolve and concepts of ownership adapt to the changing landscape, a need to create inno-vative investment instruments tailored to the unique demands of the renewable energy sector emerges. This enables participants in the financing process to access a wide array of investment op-tions. Among these options, "green bonds" have become a particularly effective instrument for fi-nancing renewable energy projects. The study discussed in the article highlights the numerous ad-vantages associated with “green bonds”. These advantages include legislative provisions ensuring the targeted utilization of funds raised through green bonds and their high liquidity in developed fi-nancial markets. However, for the widespread implementation of “green bonds” in financing re-newable energy projects in Ukraine, a series of legislative and organizational improvements is cru-cial. These improvements should encompass both changes in legislation and the development of the domestic financial market. Overcoming these barriers is essential for bringing Ukraine closer to the successful achievement of its sustainable development goals. This transition to sustainable ener-gy not only contributes to the global climate change mitigation but also positions Ukraine as a re-sponsible and forward-thinking player in the international effort to create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.


Lviv Polytechnic National University

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