Venture business development modeling


Terletska Viktoria, ,Prokopenko I.,


In modern conditions, innovation is one of the most important factors of economic development, and the development of innovation is the main condition for ensuring the competitiveness of the economy. Therefore, modeling the development of venture business is relevant and very important for the development of investment and innovation market and structural adjustment of Ukraine's economy. The development of venture financing as a proven extrabudgetary financing in science-intensive sectors of the economy and its adaptation to the realities of our country will allow it as one of the most effective tools for commercializing scientific innovations to become a promising source of financial resources for innovation. The level of economic development of venture structures is determined not so much by the scale of activity, but by the innovative orientation and flexibility of management. Among the main problems associated with investment activities are the problems of stimulating systemic innovations, from basic research, stages of implementation of new technologies, goods and services, to commercial development of new products, creating conditions that will promote venture capital, and modeling and forecasting. venture business. World experience proves the important role of innovative entrepreneurship in the transformation of the economic mechanism, increasing the intensity of its restructuring, where the dominant development should be the effective use of innovation potential of the country. Given the difficulties in attracting material resources by domestic businesses, it is necessary to provide for the development of the venture industry through the active attraction of funds from commercial banks and foreign capital. The issues of modeling the development of venture business deserve special attention, which requires the study and use of significant practical experience of Western venture structures. It is clear that the main elements of the mechanism of risk financing of innovation, which normally work in a highly developed market economy, can not be used without change in the domestic economy where there is no competition and sources of free capital. An important factor in intensifying venture business in Ukraine is the improvement of methodological support for venture capital. Such activities concern special forms and types of implementation of the innovation and investment process as a whole. First of all, the issues of modeling the development of venture business in Ukraine are becoming important in today's conditions. Since development is a rather multifaceted and interdisciplinary concept, including a wide variety of indicators, the studied developments often contain various methods, approaches and indicators for evaluating and modeling the development of venture funds. In addition, the complexity and versatility of asset management activities complicate the process of modeling the development of venture business. Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that the results of the study can be concluded: taking into account the work of both domestic and foreign scientists, in modeling the development of venture business use different models and perform modeling through the prism of venture business risk analysis, systemic risk, venture attractiveness analysis investment projects, the formation of a balanced investment portfolio, etc., taking into account both the availability of information and the tasks and objectives set by scientists.


Lviv Polytechnic National University


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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