Introduction. In the new digital and networked world a different culture arises, which actualizes the ability of man in mobility, adaptation. Besides knowledge and skills modern schoolchildren need qualities which contribute to successful personal socialization. In this regard, it is important to look for new formats of educational activities, which allow acquiring and developing competencies, which later can contribute to professional self-determination. One of the possible instruments for creating such a space can be an innovative space-educational environment – a techno-park. In order to effectively ensure the formation of social competencies of students it is important to consider the evolution of formation and development of technological parks. Studies on the development of technoparks are mainly focused on the analysis of socio-economic factors, leaving out the features of educational technoparks, which have their own specifics in the children’s environment. This makes it difficult to determine the prospects of their further functioning and features in relation to the problems of modern technological education and socialization of the younger generation. The aim of the article is to characterize the existing models of existence and the specifics of national development of educational technoparks based on the analysis of evolution. Methodology and research methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the provisions of the theory of social education in the context of socialization (A.V. Mudrik, T.A. Romm, B.V. Kupriyanov and others) using methods of analysis of statistical, theoretical, comparative and pedagogical data. Research results. The stages of technopark development in the world practice are analyzed; the models (American, European, Japanese, mixed, Russian) of their organization are generalized. The features and prospects of development of children’s technoparks are shown. Conclusion. The formation of model structures of technoparks has a cultural and historical character. The peculiarity of educational technopark is that educational, research and project activities of students are enriched with clear practical meaning, which can significantly influence motivation to study school disciplines, to form a socially active attitude towards own self-determination, choice of life path, responsibility and readiness for constructive interaction and socially significant activities.
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
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