Outlook for nuclear physics research in Belarus


Korzhik Mikhail V.


The future nuclear physics research capabilities for scientists from Belarus are discussed. The following branches for the activity: megascience class research platforms created in Russia and the European Union, a new generation of ionizing radiation sources, use of the world nuclear science network for short-term research and, monitoring of nuclear power plants are debated. The purposes of nuclear physics research are suggested to be a balanced combining of the further penetration deep into the matter, to clarify its status and time evolution and, the routine activity associated with clarifying the details of the world, for which sufficiently well-developed models have already been created. Further, the goals of nuclear physics research are specified. They include preventing the loss of knowledge in the field of nuclear physics; conservation of the acceptable qualification and its reproducibility, maintaining the appropriate level of the engineering corps for the perception of the latest knowledge. This article is based on the author’s personal experience in participating in projects of high scientific significance. The route of considering the areas of application of nuclear physics scientists’ efforts is formed according to the principle of maximum return from the highly qualified personnel (PhDs and doctors of science). Ain importance of training undergraduates and graduate students for a scientific career is underlined. Finally, a need to maintain a high level of knowledge in the branch for the expertise upon the request of the government to secure and develop the country is pointed out.


Belarusian State University

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