Re-emitting oxide – copper iodide(I) films for silicone solar cells


Шевченко Гвидона Петровна,Бокшиц Юлия ВалентиновнаORCID,Ковель Екатерина Алексеевна,Шинкевич Надежда Владимировна,Мазаник Александр Васильевич,Шербан Дормидонт Архипович,Курмей Николай Николаевич,Брук Леонид Измайлович,Першукевич Петр Павлович


The effect of Al2O3 – CuI oxide films on the photoelectric parameters of silicon solar cells (SCs) has been studied. The largest increase in the external quantum efficiency of photoelectric conversion of SCs in the near UV range is observed for monolayer films of the 50Al2O3 – 50CuI composition, heat-treated at 280 °C for 30 min, which corresponds to a relative increase in the photocurrent upon exposure to radiation of spectral composition AM1.5 (1000 W/m2 ) by more than 35 %. This confirms the efficiency of using re-emitting Al2O3 – CuI films to increase the efficiency of silicon SCs.


Belarusian State University

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