1. Belarusian State University
The need to reform the ideology of the French Socialist Party (FSP) was due to the political difficulties of the party, caused by the contradiction between the pragmatic policy of socialist governments, which recognized the changes of French society, and the party’s ideology rooted in the traditional principles of French socialism. In the 1980s FSP doctrine shifted toward social democracy, which was formalized at its 1991 congress, and the program and election promises of the FSP became more moderate and realistic. Nevertheless, the FSP refused to fundamentally revise the main principles of party doctrine, and after 1993 began proclaiming its fealty to traditional ideals, while continuing to refrain from radical proposals in the socioeconomic sphere. Rejection of a genuine reform of party doctrine was due to the fact that a change in the ideological identity of the FSP was not supported by the majority of party members, and could also threaten to weaken the position of the FSP among the left electorate and risk the loss of allies in the left camp.
Belarusian State University
Reference11 articles.
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