The Concept of Information Neutrality in the Context of Contemporary International Law


Moroz Nataliya1


1. Belarusian State University


Information neutrality is a new term used in the Information Security Concept of the Republic of Belarus. Given the fact it is associated with the implementation of an external dimension of ensuring information security, the article attempts to reveal its content in relation to other concepts traditionally used in international law («neutrality», «permanent neutrality»), as well as to new terms that have been developed in academic publications due to active use of information and telecommunication technologies («cyberneutrality», «network neutrality»). The author concludes that the notion «information neutrality» used in the Information Security Concept of the Republic of Belarus differs from the traditional understanding of the term «neutrality» in contemporary international law. The policy of information neutrality proclaimed by Belarus creates an extensive range of voluntary obligations and serves to build international trust and contribute to international information security.


Belarusian State University

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