Objective: To investigate and predict perinatal outcomes of pregnancies affected with fetal growth restriction by cerebroplacental ratio.
Material and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted based on 100 high-risk pregnant who referred to the antenatal clinic. 66 pregnant women were diagnosed with ıntrauterine growth restriction. And 34 pregnant women were diagnosed with small for gestational age. Baseline demographic, past obstetric and medical histories were recorded for all patients. Intrauterine growth retardation was defined as an estimated weight below the 10th percentile for gestational age based on sonographic measurement.‘ small for gestational age’ diagnosis shows that fetal weight or fetal abdomainal circunference measurement is below 10th percentile; but it was diagnosed in fetuses with normal doppler parameters and no pathological factors were preventing the fetus from reaching its expected growth potential. Doppler ultrasound of middle cerebral arteries and umbilical arteries were used to assess pregnancies. Cerebroplacental rate (CPR); It is calculated by dividing MCA percentile index to UA percentile index. The cerebroplacental doppler ratio less than 1 was accepted abnormal. Adverse perinatal outcomes for newborns were documented for all cases. Results: 100 pregnant women were classified into two groups according to cerebroplacental ratio. Cerebroplacental ratio ratio of Group A is greater than 1 (n=87). And cerebroplacental ratio ratio of Group B is less than 1 (n=13). Perinatal morbidity statistically significantly increased in Group B. The fetuses with abnormal cerebroplacental ratıo were strongly correlated with worse fetal prognosis. Respiratory distress syndrome rates (p = 0.043; p
Ministry of Health, Ankara City Hospital