1. University of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital, Turkey
2. University of Health Sciences, Ankara City Hospital
Objective: The primary aim of our study was to evaluate the underlying placental pathologies of placenta previa (PP).
Materials and Methods: Over two years data of patients diagnosed to be PP in a tertiary center were obtained retrospectively. Routinely, the placentas of patients diagnosed to be PP were sent for pathological examination. Clinicodemographic data of the patients were recorded. The placental pathological findings were classified and evaluated in 5 main groups: maternal vascular lesions, fetal vascular lesions, inflammatory situations, umbilical cord findings, and normal. Additionally, complete blood count results at admission time for hospitalization and the outcomes of the neonates were recorded.
Results: Thirty-two patients diagnosed to be PP were included in the study. The median age was 34 (22-42), and the median gravidity number was 3 (1-6). Maternal vascular lesions were observed in nearly half of the PP patients as a pathological finding (43.75 %). Inflammation was observed in 10 patients (31.25 %), umbilical cord findings in 8 patients (25.0 %), and fetal vascular lesions in 2 patients (6.25 %), respectively. 3 patients were reported to have normal placentas. In addition, the median neutrophile, neutrophile lymphocyte ratio, and white blood count were found to be high at admission time for hospitalization
Conclusion: Maternal vascular lesions and inflammation were the most common detected placental pathological reports in PP patients. However, studies including the placentas of uncomplicated pregnancies will shed light on the literature to distinguish the pathological condition from the physiological condition.
Ministry of Health, Ankara City Hospital