Histological Studies of Sous Vide Beef Based on Best Practices in Meat Quality Formation


Koksharov Arkadiy1ORCID,Mayurnikova Larisa1ORCID,Plastun Anna1ORCID,Davydenko Nataliia1ORCID,Krapiva Tatyana1ORCID


1. Kemerovo State University


Sous vide technology came to Russia in the early 2000s. Its quality standards require a multidimensional comprehensive study to develop theoretical and methodological foundations. The research featured the effect of various Sous vide modes on beef quality based on histological analysis and sensory assessment. The review of best practices in this sphere included publications registered in Scopus, Web of Science, and eLIBRARY.RU. Beef from sacral part underwent Sous vide processing at two modes, i.e., 57 and 64°C for 24 h and 80°C for 12 h. The samples obtained were subjected to histological analysis and sensory assessment. The histology showed that the cooking process at 100°C and the Sous vide modes at 57, 64, and 80°C increased the intercellular space and dissolved the connective tissue. Higher temperature modes led to more pronounced shrinking and deformation of muscle fibers. Under the Sous vide conditions, fibrous structures demonstrated the most severe destruction after 12 h at 80°C. As the destruction of muscle fibers increased, more nuclei entered intercellular space. Moreover, perimysium and sarcolemma demonstrated signs of granulation between muscle fiber bundles. The Sous vide samples received the best score for juiciness and tenderness. The research revealed a certain contradiction between the growing degree of fibrous destruction caused by thermal treatment and the improving consistency index for juiciness and tenderness. The authors consider it necessary to investigate the matter further and invite specialists to submit their ideas.


Kemerovo State University

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