Effect of Antibacterial Brine on Quality and Microbiological Safety of Meat Products


Danilov Mikhail1ORCID,Leskova Svetlana1ORCID,Purbuev Aldar1ORCID,Pavlova Svetlana1ORCID,Zabalueva Yuliya2ORCID


1. East Siberia State University of Technology and Management

2. K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technologies and Ma nagement (the First Cossack University)


Nomad livestock farming is an extra raw material resource for regions with harsh climate. Foods based on meat of indigenous animals expand the range of products with high consumer properties. The quality and safety of meat products usually depend on the brine. The present research featured the effect of brine with Island moss (Cetrária islándica (L.) Ach.) on the sensory profile and microbiological safety of meat products. The study involved meat of two-year-old indigenous cows, as well as multicomponent antibacterial and standard extrusion brines. The brine was injected with a syringe-injector with a hollow perforated needle at a 20 mm pitch. The tenderization took place in a universal express tenderizer with a rotation speed of 16 rpm and lasted for 10 h. The shelf-life was determined based the on microbiological, chemical, and sensory indicators. By the end of the reserve shelf-life, the total microbial count was 1.2×103 CFU/g in the control and 1.0×103 CFU/g in the experimental sample. No opportunistic pathogenic bacteria or microorganisms were detected. No opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms were revealed when the microbiological parameters were studied in standard quantities and in quantities increased by an order of magnitude. The changes in acid and peroxide numbers during storage indicated a stable oxidation of the fat component in the experimental sample. Its sensory evaluation exceeded the control sample by 0.9 points in terms color, texture, and smell. The meat marinated with C. islándica compiled with the quality standard and had a shelf-life which exceeded that of the traditionally-marinated meat by 5 days.


Kemerovo State University

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