Key Operation Parameters of the Vibration Mixer in the Production of Flour Baking Mixes


Бородулин Дмитрий1,Borodulin Dmitriy2,Зорина Татьяна1,Zorina Tatyana2,Иванец Виталий1,Ivanets Vitalij2,Невская Екатерина3,Nevskaya Ekaterina4,Тюрина Ольга5,Turina Olga4,Борисова Алла5,Borisova Alla4


1. ФГБОУ ВО «Кемеровский государственный университет»

2. Kemerovo State University

3. ФГБНУ «Научно-исследовательский институт хлебопекарной промышленности»

4. Scientific Research Institute for the Baking Industry

5. ФГАНУ «Научно-исследовательского института хлебопекарной промышленности»


Food is one of the major health-determining factors. Thus, any product should be of high quality and contain valuable substances. Therefore, the authors selected a flour baking mix with a high content of protein to determine the key operation parameters of the vibration mixer. There have been a lot of researches that feature flour baking mixes with the help of various mixers. The present research employed an original vibration mixer of continuous action with a method of “consecutive dilution”. The experiment determined the speed of vibrotransportation of the protein mix through the operating part of the device. The power consumption of the device, as well as the speed of the vibrotransportation of the baking mix, can affect the process of mixing. Therefore, the authors studied the mutual impact of the technological parameters of the mixer and the power consumption. The analysis helped to determine the effect of the key parameters on the speed of vibrotransportation of the flour baking mix. The speed υ increased with the increase in the oscillation frequency of the operating part f and the vibration amplitude A. A high amplitude and oscillation frequency proved to increase the value of power consumption of the vibromixer. Its key operation parameters were as follows: the amplitude of vibration A = 0.0035 m, the angle of vibration β = 45°, the height of the vibroboiling layer = 0.02 m, the diameter of perforation of the operating part of the device d = 0.007 m.


Kemerovo State University


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous),Food Science

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