Developing a Model for the Volitional Self-Direction Formation in Orphans and Abandoned Children


Timofeeva Irina1


1. Kuzbass Regional Center of Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical, and Social Assistance "Personal Health and Development"


The article introduces a new model for developing volitional self-direction skills in students of orphanage schools. The research objective was to identify and describe the components of this model. The paper explains the essence of the self-direction process and the specifics of self-direction development in adolescents. The problem of developing self-direction in orphans still remains understudied. The authors proved that volitional self-direction skills develop in orphans in the environment where they live and study. They defined the concept of developing volitional self-direction skills in orphanages as a continuous, purposeful, and controlled interaction between teachers and students, aimed at developing a system of knowledge and ideas about the volitional regulation of students’ activities, as well as acceptable ways of reacting and behavioral patterns in various situations. The paper describes criteria, indicators, recommendations for assessment, and organizational conditions.


Kemerovo State University


General Medicine

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