Hybrid Learning in Multinational Groups of University Students


Resenchuk Anna1,Tuneva Nina1


1. Kemerovo State University


Hybrid learning combines face-to face and online learning, which makes it highly relevant for the current pandemic situation. As a result of global migration, Kemerovo State University welcomes more and more international students each year, hence the need for pedagogical interaction research in cultural dialogue and intercultural communication. The article describes the organizational component of this interaction, which includes a set of methods and technologies that ensure cooperation of all subjects of pedagogical interaction. The authors tested various digital tools of teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and hybrid learning methods in multinational groups of university students. Digital tools allowed students to master basic language and computer skills, as well as increased their motivation and involvement. Interactive teaching materials and automated testing improved the process of hybrid learning in groups where students studied both in classroom and from home. The technologies also helped to establish emotional contact, improved cooperation and creativity, and developed tolerance and teamwork.


Kemerovo State University


General Medicine

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