Self-Reliance and Personality Parameters in High School Students


Krecan Zoya1,Morozov Evgeny2


1. «Kuzbass regional Institute for training and retraining of educators»

2. Deputy Director for life safety of MBOU «SOSH № 99»


The article features the content characteristics of self-reliance in adolescent students in conjunction with such personality parameters as adaptability and behavior strategies. The research objective was to identify, substantiate, and interpret specific manifestations of psychological space integrity in order to improve academic environment. The article describes the content of the self-reliance phenomenon and introduces the results of a study of how various academic environments affect its development, e.g., in boarding-school students. The experiment involved 46 comprehensive school students aged 16–17 and covered the dependence of self-reliance on gender factor and personality. The results can help improve the organization of academic space environment.


Kemerovo State University


General Medicine

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