Virtual Reality and Cultural Interaction: Digital Virtual Technologies in Promoting Chinese Culture Abroad


Ouyang Ruogu1


1. saint petersburg state university


The article describes virtual digital personages as new means of communication and promoting Chinese culture in the global media environment. Virtual digital personages are a new communication tool. They perform various roles, functions, and tasks by connecting individuals with various scenarios and providing feedback on these scenarios. Their experience helps people complete new learning and socialization processes. The author used communicative properties of virtual digital personages to examine their communication tools in practice. The article introduces some cases when virtual personages represented Chinese culture in different scenarios. Virtual personages proved an effective representation and promotion tool that improves the image of Chinese culture abroad. They show that virtual digital technologies are important for cultural communication and possess great potential in promoting cultural values globally. Virtual digital personages play a key role in the digitalization of cultural communication, thus providing new options for the dissemination and preservation of China’s cultural heritage on a global scale.


Kemerovo State University

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