Communicative Component as Part of Professional Activity of Telehealth Physicians


Vystropova Ol'ga11,Bass Ekaterina2


1. The Volgograd State Medical University

2. Volgograd State University


Telehealth is a modern branch of medicine that provides affordable and high-quality healthcare. The doctor-patient communication during an online consultation is just as important as personal bedside communication. A telehealth doctor is a qualified specialist who is able to provide remote assistance to patients using a computer and telecommunication software. Telehealth is especially important to patients in remote or rural areas with limited access to medical service. The article describes the role of the communicative component in effective telehealth interaction. The authors studied various online telehealth services, i.e., the Gostelemed telehealth consultation service provided by state medical organizations, the Miracle Doctor multidisciplinary medical clinic, and the Capsa Healthcare mobile medical platform. The authors used the methods of data analysis, generalization, and classification, as well as terminological analysis of dictionary definitions, to study the basic principles of effective telehealth communication. They identified the provisions and means of effective verbal and non-verbal communication during online consultations. Telehealth proved to be an effective tool that improves the standards and accessibility of medical care, especially during pandemics or crisis. Effective telehealth communication promotes positive relations between patients and specialists.


Kemerovo State University

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