Cross-Media Interaction between Kemerovo State University and Kuzbass Authorities in the Telegram Social Network as a Method of PR-Promotion


Chepkasov Artur1


1. Kemerovo State University


The cross-media interaction between the Kemerovo State University and the regional authorities in social networks can be analyzed as a method of PR-promotion. A content analysis of Telegram channels proved that the PR-structure of the Kemerovo State University applies this method quite successfully. According to Gary Hayes, this method works at two levels of Crossmedia 1.0 – Pushed and Crossmedia 3.0 – Bridges. The analysis revealed a direct communication between the university Telegram channel and the channel sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education that covers all Russian universities. Such content creates and promotes the image and brand of the Kemerovo State University, as well as increases its publicity capital and that of the regional authorities represented by Governor Sergei Tsivilev.


Kemerovo State University

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