Functional Aspect of Hashtagging in Virtual Communication: Kemerovo State University Online


Kalashnikova Anna1,Poselenova Evgeniya1


1. Kemerovo State University


Hashtags affect the conceptual sphere of Internet users and may promote certain ideologies because they are a synthetic tool of virtual communication. The research objective was to classify hashtags in virtual communication using the methods of conversational, contextual, discursive, content, and intent analyses. The study covered the online representations of the Kemerovo State University and its hashtags (2020–2023), namely, those of its official accounts, institutes, departments, trade unions, and student communities. The author revealed the following functions. The predictive function guided the first impression and was followed by compression, structuring, differentiating, and navigation functions, which systematized the content. The stereotyping function manifested itself in the image formation, while the axiological function asserted a set of ideologies behind it. The actualizing function was responsible for correlating the content with the media agenda. The manipulative and attractive functions demonstrated the suggestive aspect of the communicative potential of hashtags that represented the basic concepts of the university's conceptual sphere: kinship and family, community, a sense of belonging, stability, etc. In general, they developed an ideological model that formed a positive image of the university for the target audience.


Kemerovo State University

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1. Editing Digests for Social Networks;Virtual Communication and Social Networks;2024-06-19







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