Generation Z and Chinese Neterature


Galiullina Svetlana1,Popod'ko Ekaterina1,Popod'ko Anastasiya1


1. Ufa State Oil Technical Universit


The article describes the generation of centennials aka Generation Z and their role in literary creativity. Digital technologies have a great impact on their reading habits. The research featured the phenomenon of neterature, or network literature, and the role of Chinese centennials in it. The authors defined the concept of generation Z and compared traditional literature with online literature. They used such sites as Yi En Consulting and Qidian to give a brief history of Chinese neterature, which they divided into three main periods. Centennials rely on random choice and prefer contemporary literature, mainly fantasy, chronofantasy, and romance. Centennial online authors and readers are of approximately the same age and share the same values, upbringing, literary preferences, and interests, which makes it easier for the writers to meet the market needs. Online literature is not an alternative to traditional literature, but rather its next evolution stage. Currently, it is the most dynamic part of literature, and its influence on the young generation can hardly be overestimated.


Kemerovo State University

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