1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Russian enterprises need technological independence and new strategies for non-standard solutions in such spheres as import substitution, novel production processes, effective management of complex engineering facilities, high labor productivity, etc. This research featured the digital transformation of an economic entity, which was chosen based on a list of seven principles that determined the importance of the enterprise for the national economy. The author used the method of OTSW analysis developed by Professor V.L. Kvint to determine the strategic priorities for the digital development of the Russian Television and Radiobroadcasting Network (RTRN). The initial data were obtained from its employees via a questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 37 questions divided into functional groups. It served as an aggregator of information about the current state of the enterprise and its readiness for digital transformations. The RTRN was evaluated as an “exemplary enterprise”; however, its digitalization level did not reach that of a “smart enterprise”. The survey made it possible to define the strategic priorities for the prospective digital transformation, as well as to describe the concept of digital development. The author also calculated the economic effect from the practical implementation of priority digital development measures. The resulting digital development strategy can be applied to digital transformation projects in other sectors of the national economy.
Kemerovo State University
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