Development Strategizing of Urban Systems Based on Multifractal Dynamics


Nikonorov Sergey1,Krivichev Alexander1,Nasonov Andrey2,Tsvetkov Ilya3


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography

3. Tver State University


This article introduces a new analysis algorithm that can be applied to territorial organization of urban systems. After directed zoning, the zones are divided into those of balance and those of disproportions. The obtained solutions of the territorial-communication model are compared with a fractal standard, which serves as an indicator of the most effective urban organization in terms of the basic life support infrastructures and their communications. The algorithm makes it possible to reveal territorial disproportions of the urban environment, i.e., risk areas that violate the stability of the urban system as a whole and require external management.


Kemerovo State University

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