Development of Russian Research School of Strategy in Retrospect


Alimuradov Murad1ORCID,Chkhotua Ilona1ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Strategy, as a relatively young science, is constantly developing and enriching itself. The Russian national school of strategizing was founded by Professor Vladimir L. Kvint. The school has already formed outstanding theoretical and methodological foundations, as well as accumulated significant practical experience as it designed and implemented developmental strategies for countries, regions, cities, industries, and enterprises. Vladimir Kvint has implemented an extensive long-term practice of teaching the theory of strategy and methodology of strategizing at Master’s Degree Programs located at Lomonosov Moscow State University with its branches in Slovenia and Armenia, Kemerovo State University, and MISIS University of Science and Technology. The programs allow specialists to develop a system of strategic thinking and professional competencies in the field of strategizing. This article celebrates Vladimir Kvint’s 75th birthday by praising his main achievements in science and academia as an outstanding theorist and practitioner of strategizing in Russia and abroad.


Kemerovo State University

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