1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
The pace of metropolitan life is growing higher and higher. To keep up with it, Moscow residents have to abandon cars and public transport in favor of personal mobility devices, e.g., electric scooters. As a result, the state authorities are developing a unified strategy for urban public transport that would include personal mobility devices and their rent. An effective strategy should integrate all innovative public transport vehicles into a single urban transport system. Technopolis is a special economic zone of innovation clusters in Moscow that offers conditions for design and production of innovative electric individual mobility devices. New-generation vehicles that meet the needs of metropolitan residents will become a key strategic vector in the development of Moscow’s transport system. The key strategic goals are to improve the quality of urban life and to ensure the national technological sovereignty. Modernization and consistent implementation of production facilities can stimulate innovative technologies in the transport sector and its progressive transformation nationwide. Moscow’s innovation clusters produce innovative technologies, test them, and spread the most effective innovations onto all regions.
Kemerovo State University
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