Personal Brand Strategizing in Digital Mediatization: Game-Theoretic and Behavioral Approaches


Vartanov Sergey1,Khvorostyanaya Anna1ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


A personal brand unites one’s exceptionalism, individual traits, professionalism, experience, and reputation. In the era of the global digital media and strategic communication, a personal brand becomes a strategic asset that brings financial benefits. Its strategic role at the labor market is that it can increase one’s income, if properly invested in. However, the theory and methodology of strategic branding at the labor market remains understudied. The present research objective was to prove the effectiveness of investing in a personal brand in order to achieve strategic goals at the labor market. To analyze the basic concepts of signaling models and the game theory, the authors used the theory and methodology of strategizing developed by V.L. Kvint, Dr.Sc.(Econ.), Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Life-time). The authors believe that the era of information economy have turned strategic brands into a signaling mechanism. The relationship between personal brand and reputation forms the basis of the behavioral direction, which uses behavioral economics to define the effect of reputation on the labor market and employee behavior. The strategic development of a personal brand increases its competitiveness at the labor market, and a tailored employment strategy is likely to be successful in the long run. Keywords: personal strategy, brand, signaling, media system, labor market


Kemerovo State University

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