Strategic Analysis of the Region's Competitive Advantages in the Context of Industrial Tourism Development


Chotua Ilona1,Vlasyuk Lyudmila2


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University’ Moscow School of Economics

2. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Introduction. Industrial tourism is a niche tourism area that combines a unique emotional experience, educational functionality, and cultural and historical component in a single tourist product. Government and business have realized the strategic importance of industrial tourism. Together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), they are implementing comprehensive programs for the development of industrial tourism in regions with significant industrial heritage. Study objects and methods. The present research was based on the theory of strategy and methodology of strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint. The authors performed an in-depth analysis of the competitive advantages and resource provision of the regions that signed an agreement with the ASI. Various economic, social, and other reasons force regional authorities to develop industrial tourism. However, unjustified development of industrial tourism may diffuse the limited regional, municipal, or company budgets. Results and discussion. Statistical indicators and strategic documents showed that the regions under discussion have certain industrial potential for the development of this type of tourism. However, poor transport infrastructure, transport accessibility, and tourist infrastructure reduce the chances to diversify the local economy through industrial tourism. Conclusion. Not all regions that have the ASI agreement have sufficient competitive advantages and resources for this strategic opportunity. New members must undergo a strategic analysis of the competitive advantages and priority directions. Regions with good competitive advantages should develop a special program or a strategy for the development of industrial tourism.


Kemerovo State University

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