1. All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Butter- and Cheesemaking - Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems
2. All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Butter- and Cheesemaking – Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems
3. All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Butter- and Cheesemaking – Branch of V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems
The article describes the taste, smell, consistency, active acidity, penetration tension, and functional properties of products modeled on the basis of proteincarbohydrate raw materials, i.e., casein and modified starch, produced by the thermal technical processing. The physicochemical assessment involved standard methods. The list of functional properties to be tested included grating and shredding, melting, blistering, browning, and elasticity. The specialized pizza cheese rating scale was developed at the All-Russian Scientific Resarch Institute of Butter- and Cheesemaking. The taste of the product depended on the casein and starch ratio. In addition, the consistency and pH of the finished product depended on the type of modified starch and the concentration of the emulsifying salt. The research revealed a correlation between the penetration tension and raw material composition, moisture mass fraction, and emulsifying salt. The regression analysis made it possible to obtain equations for the effect of composition on melting and elasticity. The optimal ratio of raw materials resulted in a product that was close to preheated cheeses in many indicators: 25.8 % rennet casein, 18.3 % modified starch BL 240 with protein and carbohydrate ratio of 58.5/41.5, 1.0 % emulsifying salt, and 54.9% water, which provided 60.0 ± 2.0 % moisture content in the finished product.
Kemerovo State University
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