Integrated Risk Management System in Food Production: Theory and Model


Voloshina Elena1,Dunchenko Nina2ORCID


1. Russian State Agrarian University, K. A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy

2. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy


Every enterprise in the food and food-processing industry needs a risk-based approach that could help it operate in the current conditions of constant changes and uncertainty. As management and technological risk approaches tend to integrate, risk management technologies have to be adapted to enterprise processes in order to minimize hazardous factors in food production. This article introduces a model of an integrated risk management system for raw materials and animal products. The model covers both risk management methods of food production and risk management tools. The authors defined nine principles for developing quality and safety indicators in the sphere of producing foods of animal origin. The program for assessing a risk event facilitates decision-making when it comes to reducing human factor risks. Other tools include a three-dimensional risk assessment matrix, as well as profiles and risk registers for rapid data processing during decision-making. The aggregate system makes it possible to minimize the negative consequences for all risk groups, as well as to use the positive results of risk events to fuel further industrial development.


Kemerovo State University

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