Effect of Sodium Caseinate Fortification of Raw Milk on Physicochemical Parameters of Caciotta Cheese


Kalugina, Olesya1,Kurbanova Marina1ORCID


1. Kemerovo State University


Milk producers increase both milk yield and cheese production efficiency by fortifying raw milk with protein concentrates, such as sodium caseinate. In this research, we added 30 g calcium chloride to 100 L milk in order to restore its salt balance after pasteurization and improve the rennet coagulation properties. The control sample of Caciotta cheese contained no sodium caseinate; Sample 1 had 10% sodium caseinate; Sample 3 included 20% sodium caseinate. The fat vs. protein ratio in all the samples remained constant throughout the study. The experimental cheeses contained less fat, more moisture, and more salt, compared to the control sample. Sodium caseinate proved able to increase the yield of the fortified finished product.


Kemerovo State University


General Medicine

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