The effect of fruit and berry supplements on the content of vitamin C in yoghurts


Kosikova Yu.1,Korshik T.1,Mastikhina A.1,Limarov A.2


1. Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH)

2. Belgorod State Technological University V. G. Shukhova


In this article provides data research about changes of Vitamin C concentration in fruit and berry yogurts during the storage. Marked that correlation of the sort of fruit and berry supplement with the process of changing vitamin C content is negligible. The type of supplement has almost no effect on the safety of vitamin C during the storage of yoghurts and directly depends on the initial content of vitamin C in supplement. In this regard it was proposed to consider new non-traditional types of supllement with hight content of vitamin C in raw materials


Kemerovo State University


General Medicine

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