
Buryakov Nikolai1,Buryakova Maria1,Aleshin Dmitriy1,Korotkii Vasiliy2


1. Russian State Agrarian University, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

2. Khiminvest R&D Center


The research featured the effect of energy feed additives on cow’s milk yield and quality. It included three experimental groups. The first group received 200 g of the Avatar feed additive per day; in the second group, the cows were given crude glycerin; the third group obtained a coniferous vitamin supplement. All the experimental groups demonstrated better gross milk yield than the control. The best daily milk yield belonged to the cows that received the coniferous supplement, followed by the group that received glycerin. The cows from the Avatar and the coniferous test groups had better mass fractions of protein and fat in milk. The gross fat yield increased by 4.91 % in the glycerin test group and by 6.25 % in the coniferous test group.


Kemerovo State University


General Medicine

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