Eye Formation in Cheese with Propionic Acid Fermentation


Mordvinova Valentina1,Rogov Grigorii1,Smirnova Tatiana1


1. All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Butter- and Cheesemaking – Branch of V.M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems


Semi-hard cheeses with propionic acid bacteria have gained popularity in Russia: almost all major cheese plants produce this or that variety. However, semi-hard cheeses with propionic fermentation are notorious for certain defects that emerge during production. Irregular eye formation is one of the most common and visible defects that reduce product appeal for the end consumer. In an effort to reduce production cost and increase production volumes, cheese makers only aggravate improper eye formation. This article introduces the most frequent defects of propionic cheeses. For instance, butyric acid bacteria often appear as a result of production technology and cause surface cracks. Poor or irregular eye formation in the cheese matrix is another popular defect. Rindless cheese ripening leads to two more defects, which hardly ever occur during traditional rind cheese maturation. First, eyes may develop too close to the cheese surface. Second, vacuum packaging process may trigger ragged eye formation. A comprehensive understanding of factors that affect eye formation allows cheese makers and food scientists to concentrate their efforts on efficient methods to control the development of propionic acid bacteria in semi-hard cheeses. In-depth studies of eye formation, taste, and texture make it possible to avoid defects, reduce production cost, and make domestic products more competitive.


Kemerovo State University

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