The main technological properties of rennet enzyme preparations


Grishkova Anastasiya1,Prosekov Alexander2ORCID,Koval Anatoliy1


1. Federal Altai Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies, Siberian Research Institute of Cheese Making

2. Kemerovo State University


The quality of the finished cheese is determined by all stages of its production, but the basis of cheese making is the production of a milk clot under the action of a milk-converting enzyme. The duration of coagulation and the structural and mechanical properties of the cheese clot are critical indicators that affect the yield of cheese, consistency, pattern, taste. In practice, it is necessary to take into account that the coagulating ability of the enzyme may vary depending on the properties of the milk mixture prepared for coagulation (protein content, mineral salts, acidity, temperature). The main technological characteristics of rennet enzyme preparations (proteolytic activity, qualitative composition, sensitivity to Caions, pH, thermal stability), important for the regulation of the coagulation process, have been studied. Practical recommendations on the use of milk-clotting enzyme preparations are given.


Kemerovo State University


General Arts and Humanities

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