Improving the Methodology for Assessing the Effectiveness of Economic Entities in Modern Conditions


Orehova Elena1,Korovnikova Irina2,Korovnikova Galina2


1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet

2. Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov


Modern conditions impose special requirements to the assessment of economic entities. Efficiency is an important parameter of the activity of any business. The present research involved a critical analysis of standard methods for assessing the effectiveness of both domestic and foreign practices. The analysis revealed a need to apply new approaches to business efficiency assessment because the standard approach is not systematic and its indicators repeat themselves. The article offers a new conceptual methodological approach to understanding the term efficiency. The new methodological concept is hybrid in nature and includes classical economic, financial, and institutional methods. It also adopts some methods and approaches from management and natural sciences. The authors built a comprehensive model for assessing the effectiveness of an economic entity in modern conditions. It is based on the idea that the optimal methods are those that do not use relative indicators. This model includes three levels of indicators: standard, qualitative, and synergistic. The new approach is systemic and corresponds to modern economic environment, which resolves the issue of relative performance indicators.


Kemerovo State University


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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