Intelligent Contracts in Engineering Enterprise Supply Management


Andrianova Natalya1,Nechaeva Polina1


1. V. G. Timiryasov Kazan Innovative University


Intellectual contracts based on blockchain technology improve the efficiency of supply management of an automobile enterprise by optimizing the transactional costs of supply logistics. The present research featured KAMAZ PTC. The goal was to develop an interaction mechanism for all participants of an intellectual contract in supply activities. The article includes a review of Russian and foreign publications about intellectual contracts in various business spheres, supply management efficiency, optimization of transactional costs, and blockchain technology. The study made it possible to build an interaction mechanism of the parties involved in a blockchain intellectual contract. It also revealed a pattern of changes introduced to the intellectual contract at different stages of interaction between the initiator and suppliers. The authors also highlighted the difference between smart contract and intellectual contract. An intellectual contract appears as a logical development of a smart contract and allows the sides to change the terms. The party interaction mechanism can improve the supply efficiency as it optimizes the magnitude of transactional costs.


Kemerovo State University


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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