Evaluation as a Sociological Concept: Problem Statement


Grigorik Nikita1


1. Kemerovo State University


The present research featured the role of evaluation in sociology and the sociological interpretation of its components. Evaluation is a complex perceptive procedure. Social reality is conditioned by the existence of man, who shapes it through evaluation, which includes cognition, evaluative comparison, and the implementation of the resulting information in social interaction. First, people form initial ideas that are chipped into a set of knowledge about social reality. The perception is then transformed into a mental-comparative act. On this basis, people perform actions and choices that correlate with the values. Norms determine the nature of perception and evaluation. Therefore, people embody their social functions through social behavior, relationships, and interactions, thus learning about the world and evaluating various social phenomena on the basis of the obtained assumptions. In that way, people develop and translate stable forms of perception. Evaluation can serve as a measure in sociological studies, i.e. as a means of studying social reality. As a result, the relationship evaluation – cognition – value – norm – public opinion becomes obvious and can act as a methodological basis for sociological research.


Kemerovo State University


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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