Economic Accessibility of Food: a Regional Aspect


Kolesnyak Antonina1,Polyanskaya Nataliya2


1. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

2. Buryat State University


The general level of socio-economic development and the quality of life depend on the economic availability of food, i.e. the ability of the local population to buy products recommended by the Ministry of Health. Each family has the right to afford quality food for all household members. The local economic availability of food depends, first of all, on the income per capita in a particular region. The present research assessed the economic availability of food in the Republic of Buryatia using such indicators as food supplies, cash income per capita, household budget structure, and self-sufficiency in basic foodstuffs. The results were compared with the food situation in other regions of the Far Eastern Federal District and the average Russian data.


Kemerovo State University


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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