The Kyrgyz Republic’s Regional Development Problems in the Conditions of New Challenges


Satyvaldieva Baktygul'1


1. Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn


The current situation in the world reflects the peculiarities of the interaction between American democracy and surrounding countries. All global economy participants need to determine their own position regarding the events taking place in the world and the growing confrontation. Under these conditions, there is a serious drop in the socio-economic sphere of the Kyrgyz Republic, which determines the relevance of studying the topic. The article shows the conditions and trends of socio-economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic’s regions and the features of its socio-economic development for 2010–2023. The issues of uneven regional development are discussed, in particular, the problems of regional economic policy in the context of modern challenges such as the geopolitical situation and digitalization processes, as well as the peculiarities of the trade relations formation are identified. The aim is to identify the key problems of regional development in the Kyrgyz Republic. The author conducts research of statistical material and publications of domestic and foreign scientists using the methods of analysis, synthesis, and induction. The study proposes measures to stabilize the situation in the region and the direction of economic policy in the new conditions of world economy. The most important measure is effort to increase the investments attraction in key sectors of the economy. The prospects and opportunities of the Kyrgyz Republic Government in overcoming key regional problems are considered.


Kemerovo State University

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