The Destructive Effect of Economic Crime on the Process of Economy Socialization


Egoryshev Sergey1


1. Ufa Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences


Over the past two decades, the problems of the economy socialization have gained increasing interest of Russian scientists. Economy socialization is 1) a civilizational regularity of socio-economic development, 2) a key component of the world economic transformation, 3) an essential condition for the formation of a social economy and social state. Unfortunately, Russia has a very low rate of economy socialization as a result of economic crime. The study was based on various sociological and criminological approaches. Its objective was to conduct a comparative analysis of statistical material for 2012–2019 and describe the state, trends, and consequences of economic crime in Russia and in the Republic of Bashkortostan in order to show its destructive impact on economy socialization. The research featured corruption, economic crimes, and real estate crimes. One third or even a half of all economic crimes are classified as serious or extremely serious and cause great material damage. If properly implemented, the economy socialization can create conditions for a more successful counteraction to economic crime. The results of the study can be useful in road-mapping regional socio-economic development, combating economic crime, or as comparative material for related research.


Kemerovo State University


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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