Assessing the Digital Maturity of HR Management as Part of Digital Transition


Lapikov Andrey1


1. Kemerovo State University


Human resource management is a key process that affects digital transformation because any transformation is inspired, provided, and executed by personnel. The digital maturity of personnel management is a hot topic for all industries that requires scientific understanding. Digital business transformation relies on new approaches in competence development, new organizational structure, new corporate ideology, etc. A timely analysis of business processes is necessary to form a trajectory of transformations. The purpose of the study was to determine the state of human resource management as a business process and identify its elements that require development for prospective digital transformation. The author employed the systematic approach, as well as various methods of digital maturity assessment to interpret the maturity indicators of personnel management in various industries. The digital transformation of human resource management proved to require top management involvement, new digital competencies, digital services, and products, a single data source for decision-making, and a continuous chain of innovations.


Kemerovo State University


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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