Modern Trends in Russian Fintech


Korobeynikova Ol'ga1,Panova Panova Natalya2,Shemet Ekaterina2


1. Volgogradskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet

2. Volgogradskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet


Commitment of leading Russian and foreign companies to digital business models confirms that fintech is a driver for the digital economy and socio-economic development. Under growing exogenous uncertainties and  sanctions to the financial sector, assessing the current trends and prospects in fintech is of particular interest. The article uses statistical and analytical methods to evaluate the empirical data, gathered by the Federal State Statistics Service, the Bank of Russia, and different experts. Until 2022, the fintech market in Russia was the leader in attracting venture capital funding. The authors identified three waves of market shocks in the current development of the Russian fintech market. Fintech companies overcome each subsequent shock much faster than the previous one, which indicates a high inherent adaptability. The article highlights trends in business, fintech, information and communication technologies, typical for the modern Russian economy. Despite the high volatility of the current period, in terms of the fintech solutions development Russia remains competitive. The development of independent technologies and services by the IT and financial markets, preferentially regulated by the Bank of Russia, seems feasible and viable.


Kemerovo State University


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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