Foreign Policy Image of Estonia as a European Union Member State in the Context of Euroscepticism Strengthening


Tambi Sergey1


1. MGIMO University


The author explores the transformation of Estonia’s foreign policy image in the context of a systemic crisis. A significant strengthening of the Eurosceptic political camp in Estonia, destabilizing the Euro-optimistic reputation carefully formed since the country regained its independence in 1991, leads to the formation of a negative foreign policy image of Estonia both in Brussels and inside the state. The study examines the image policy of Estonia in the European Union. The purpose of the article is to study the transformation of Estonia’s foreign policy image as a European Union member during the strengthening of hard Euroscepticism in this state. The problems of Estonia’s image in Brussels are becoming increasingly relevant due to the presence of Eurosceptic Conservative People’s Party of Estonia in the government coalition in 2019–2021. A system-functional approach has been used to study Estonia’s foreign policy image as an integral system, which consists of a number of interconnected elements. The research uses the scientific method of system analysis, comparative method, which allowed to compare the foreign policy image of Estonia at different chronological stages; genetic method, which helped to investigate the genesis of the Estonia’s foreign policy image, reveal its content and show the stages of its transformation; case study method, which allowed to explore a self-sufficient and unique Estonian case. The research is based on the theory of image in international relations. In order to identify the elements that influence the formation of the modern foreign policy image of Estonia, the author uses the method of content analysis. As a result of Eurosceptics’ presence in the government coalition the positive image of the country in European Union underwent significant erosion and partial destruction.


Kemerovo State University


General Medicine

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