Skripnyak V.V.,Skripnyak E.G.,Skripnyak V.A.
The paper presents the results of 3D numerical simulation of the processes of deformation and ductile fracture of hexagonal close packed titanium and zirconium alloys under dynamic impacts. Based on the generalization of the obtained experimental data, a version of the model is proposed that allows to adequately describe the regularities of plastic deformation during tension, the formation of zones of localization of plastic shears and the development of damage and fracture in a wide range of strain rates and spall fracture in plates under plane shock waves impacts. Proposed constitutive equation described the mechanical response of HCP titanium and zirconium alloys in a wide range of strain rates at the temperatures below temperature of phase transformation. It was shown that using of the kinetic model of the damaged medium is justified at high strain rates in complex stress conditions in the spall zone and around it.
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