Ovarian Carcinoma Occurring After Breast Carcinoma Detection of Risk Factors Using Bdort Test


Duniic. Momir,Krstic Dejan,Stanisic Slavisa,Mirkovic Milos,Dunjic Marija,Milicevic Nebojsa,Dunjic Katarina,Dodic Luka


Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy among women worldwide. There are many risk factors for breast carcinoma, such as genetics, Electro Magnetic Field Radiation (EMFs), the presence of human papillomaviruses (HPV), BRCA mutations, low vitamin D level, and toxins. The risk of developing ovarian metastases increases with the passage of time after the breast cancer diagnosis, and there are significant links between the tumor stage and the development of ovarian metastases (expressed Mammoglobin B). Because there is no screening test for ovarian cancer proven to be effective, women need to learn about their personal risk for developing ovarian cancer. This is especially true for the women already diagnosed with breast cancer, who should make sure if they are at risk for ovarian cancer. By using BiDigital O-Ring Test (BDORT), originated by Prof. Omura, we can detect a lot of risk factors contributing to the risk for ovarian cancer, such as the presence ofHPV in the ovary, exposure to EMFs, food intolerance, low level oftelomeres, the presence of Borrelia Burgdorferi (BB), Tuberculosis (TB) etc. A high level of HPV 16 in the ovary that is located on the same side as breast cancer could be detected, in addition to a high level of Integrin aSpl, as a marker of carcinogenesis. The cervix region infected by HPV is connected with the presence of HPV on both breasts, while the infection of one ovary (either left or right) is connected with the diseased breast (with cancer) on the same side. We examined 38 patients with confirmed diagnosis of breast cancer, by using indirect BDORT and in all patients we found out one ovary with a high level of HPV infection as with high level of Integrin aSpl . There are some mutual factors for the carcinogenesis of breast cancer and ovary cancer (HPV infection, BB, TB etc., toxins, EMFs). All patients reported being exposed to EMFs. 29 out ofa total of 38 (76.32%) patients had the infection of one ovary and the same side breast where exist breast carcinoma. In the same time on same side ovary we detected high level of HPV 16 and 18 and high level of Integrin aSpl. In three of38 patients we found out increased ovary tumor markers. In study group we found out 29 out ofa total of38 patients have a risk of ovary carcinoma. What we can learn from related literature is that ovarian carcinoma occurring after breast carcinoma is usually the metastasis of breast carcinoma; however, after this research, we believe that, in most cases, ovarian and breast carcinoma develop simultaneously, stimulated by the same or similar factors, and possibly by the same carcinoma stem cell.


Cognizant, LLC


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,Complementary and alternative medicine,General Neuroscience








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