Examining the Evolution of Network Governance Forms of an Event Leveraging Collective: A Longitudinal Investigation


Lu Landy1,Zhou Ran2,Chen Guangzhou3,Misener Laura4


1. School of Kinesiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

2. Department of Sport, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics, Nanjing, P.R. China

3. Department of Recreation Management and Policy, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA

4. School of Kinesiology, Western University, London, ON, Canada


This study aims to investigate how an event leveraging collective’s network governance forms evolved from pre- to post‐Games and how these forms influenced members' collaborative engagement. We adopted a longitudinal qualitative case study approach. Our primary data sources included 996 pages of archival documents and 18 interviews with collective members. We found that in the pre- and during-Games stage, the leveraging collective adopted a shared participant-governed form with a facilitator. This participant-driven structure could enhance connectedness and collaborative engagement among member organizations. In the postevent phase, the collective assumed a pillar-governed form with a facilitator. Although this structure appeared to promote within‐pillar collaboration, it could compromise cross-pillar integration. This study sheds light on the changing nature of an evolving leveraging collective from pre‐ to post‐Games. This study also provides practical implications for how to maintain a leveraging collective and optimize collaborative engagement among member entities in the long term.


Cognizant, LLC








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